My first experience playing Rolly Cars was a little wacky the controls were a little weird having to use the mouse to move the car and dying very quickly A LOT. After a couple minutes i got used to the controls and got my old high score of 11. After playing a couple times more I beat my old record of 11 and got 17. After a couple more tries i finally got a high score of 32. To score a point you must past the obstacle by moving the car with the mouse. I think it would be more convenient if they used the arrow keys to move the car. The best strategy I found for this game is go in an area with little distractions and only focus on the game. As the game speeds up you naturally get used to the speed but if you die its hard to get used to the slow speed. Another issue is sometimes the car moves more then you meant to and it messes you up.
Game rated out of 5
Overall I rate Rolly Cars a 2.5/5 Cars cause its a good time killer but kind of bad if you want to play it for fun I'd recommend playing another game or do something else.